Bringing Together A Holistic Fitness Community: Elite Performance and Wellness

Imagine starting a business, seeing it grow, and then discovering that the best place for you to expand is… 6 times bigger than your current location. 

Elite Performance and Wellness is many things, but their biggest focus is in training the youth to be strong, high performing athletes who incorporate fitness into daily life while pushing themselves to greater heights. Due to finding a new 32,000 square foot space, they are discovering even more ways to grow their mission.

“I want to be geared toward helping people grow, to become healthy and responsible,” Danny Moorehead, co-owner, said. “This space is ideal for what we’re doing.”

         The past year and a half have been a whirlwind for the co-owners of Elite Performance and Wellness. Moorehead purchased the first gym in a 1200 square foot space. He brought his friend Casey Kincer in as co-owner as they quickly moved to a 6000 square foot space, expanding their training, gym space, and programming. However, they wanted more, and in mid-October, they moved into their current space on Brookwood Avenue, in a shopping center behind Mad Mike’s Burgers.

“Discovering our new location and realizing that it was able to provide a specific, designated area for our athletes to train was an extremely great moment,” said Kincer. 

Elite has now chosen to sublease to other related businesses, creating a space that is much more than a gym or sports training facility. A sports-injury physical therapist, a boxing gym, a basketball program, a KidsFit recreation program and other tenants all sublease space, choosing to locate themselves near the fitness programming that Elite creates themselves.

         Elite is also working toward creating an “American Ninja Warrior” style gym for children, starting Hamilton’s first Crossfit gym, adding 3D golf simulators, and continuing their substantial assistance in indoor baseball training as well as other sports. 

         One of the keys to their success, both owners say, is their teamwork and partnership.

“I think the successful partnership is grounded in the fact that we were friends before the business started,” Kincer said. “We had always gone to the gym together in high school and stayed in touch throughout college as well. I’ve heard before that going into business with your friends is a risky decision. However, I think in our case, our friendship is at a point where we are not scared to completely voice our opinions to each other because we know that is the best interest of ourselves and the success of the business.”

Moorehead echoed how their different strengths help their combined ability.

“We’re two different types of people; he’s more organized, he helps me think through the details, I’m more of the big-picture person,” Moorehead laughed. “I cannot survive without him!”

Kincer studied neuroscience and Moorehead focused on exercise science in college, and growing a sports fitness business has been a way for both of them to continue their passions. They have seen how their work impacts the youth of Hamilton and surrounding parts of Butler County.

“My favorite moments have been in building relationships with the many parents and kids and living out my dream to train athletes,” Kincer said. “Another moment that is hard to top was officially becoming the strength and conditioning coaches at Hamilton High School.”

Moorehead is passionate about fitness to the point where one of his goals is to advance his career with a D.O. doctorate, allowing him to integrate medicine and exercise science.

“One of my biggest takeaways from studying Exercise Science was that there is an undeniable connection between one’s fitness and their level of health. Simply put, the fitter you are, the healthier you will be,” said Moorehead. “Furthermore, exercise and diet/lifestyle intervention is arguably the best treatment for those with chronic disease and can even help reverse most conditions that are caused by poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. One of the reasons I am so passionate about a career in medicine is to play a part in merging the fields of exercise science and healthcare.” 

         Moorehead credits his own start toward fitness to his extensive training and competition in gymnastics when growing up, and he sees the needs for these services as likely to only grow in the coming years.

“I think the need has been there,” he said. “This is a popular service in other towns and it’s a need here in Hamilton.”

Kincer is also optimistic about how their relationship-driven approach to fitness, strength, and conditioning will continue as the new, larger space becomes full of programs and options for the community.

“This new space provides the opportunity to really make the facility a spot where the whole family can come and have something to do. As long as we put in the work and maintain positive relationships with the community, I believe we can achieve this goal,” Kincer said.

Memberships are available for different programs, from the gym to the Crossfit activities to the many strength training programs and new ventures in the future. Learn more at